Saturday, July 21, 2012

Songwriting Resources

I found a few goodies to share with you on songwriting and how to write a song. Here's a good resource to go and learn more about the craft and opportunities for writing songs.

You can find great songwriter info at Addicted to Songwriting, which includes interviews, links and articles on songwriting.

Great Write Up On Google+

I know there are still many who are confused and perhaps even frustrated by the presence of Google+ and are having a hard time understanding how and why to use it.

This a great article that will shed some light and give you a better explanation of how it fits in and why it matters.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

DIY Indie Artist Series

Indie Artist Podcast
There’s too much back and forth about who’s finding success and why in the DIY independent artist scene, so we’ve decided to go out and do some deep investigative research to pull all the info i can together, and focus on deep patterns and strategies across several facets of how successful DIY’ers have put their career together, what they’re doing, how they manage it, and hopefully uncover what some of the underlying reasons why it’s all working for them, are.

Purpose = Going beyond “surface level” exploration, research, and interviews, on the successful indie artists and bands that are thriving today. Cluster and define correlations and key strategies that are common and prevalent, as well as highlight the business models that are working today. Get candid and get to the “core” of what actually is THE THING that is making some people succesful today and why as Independent artists in the new music business…

Theres a lot of doom and gloom out there… There are a lot of skeptics, naysayers, and doubting thomases out there that perpetuate a vibe of hopelessness in regards to the DIY movement… This is not only unhealthy but destructive, and it ain’t where or what we should be focusing on.

My aim is to get to the CORE stuff. Get past the pleasantries, and really try to get to the heart of what is working for those that have been successful, to identify the patterns, and try to put together the correlations so that we can all try to learn these things, and do it in a modern way.

What do you think? Is this is a good idea? Is this project something you’re interested in hearing more about?

I need you to let me know of any succesful indie artists you know of who should be included, and/or you’d like to learn about…

Also, if you have any (factual/reliable) stats, figures, percentages, links, or anything else that’s relavent to this project on the DIY independent  that you could contribute, we’d appreciate it!

I have been compiling all the names of succesful Independent Artists/Bands and stories from the DIY/Indie industry innovators like Ariel Hyatt, Bob Baker, Derek Sivers, Viny Ribas, and have been polling and surveying groups and my online audiences. If you have any pieces of info or names to contribute please let me know. just comment below, or email: me @ jamieleger dot com.

If you want to be notified via email with updates you can go to and subscribe and i’ll keep you in the loop.
God Bless
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Jamie Leger is a Singer Songwriter, and Internet Business Coach. He specializes in helping people turn their knowledge and experience into an online business that gives them the lifestyle they desire - through private training and step by step instruction. He has been making music in his home recording studio and writing content for various online publications since 2004. Please enjoy his free guide to the Home Studio.